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221 Daly Ave
San Luis Obispo, CA, 93405
United States

(805) 544-2357



2 Important Efforts that Need Your Help

  1. Raising the Star. In early 2019, Nativity of Our Lady launched a capital campaign to fund a number of important campus and building improvements. We’ve called this campaign: Raising the Star. While the initial three year campaign has completed, we are still in need of approximately $250,000 to complete the project. Please click on the Raising the Star box (above) to give. To find out more about the plans and to contribute, contact the parish office.

  2. Your Regular Sunday Contribution. Your regular weekly contribution is still needed during our capital campaign. This regular donation that you give to parish is what we rely on to balance the budget, fund our ministries, pay the pastor and staff and keep the lights on. Here are the easy ways you can give your regular donation to the parish:

    • Give Online
      You can do a one time gift or set up a regular gift and maintain it yourself at any time--making whatever changes you might feel necessary.  You can trade off different credit cards, update when a card expires and you receive a new one or change the amount you want to donate.  You can designate what you want your gift to go to--plate, ministry donation, AMA, Family Fund etc.  Access is through your email address.

    • Electronic Funds Transfer EFT
      An easy way to give to the parish is via secure electronic funds transfer (EFT) of an authorized payment from your checking or credit card account to the parish account. Set it up once, and your contributions will be made automatically even when you’re out of town. Contact the office at 805-544.2357 or download the EFT Registration form by clicking here.

    • Contribution Envelopes
      Parish life requires the generous give of our time, talents and resources. An easy way to remember to give financially is to use contribution envelopes.  A boxed set of envelopes is available for your weekly contributions from the parish office.